Coming Soon
Matheus Moura
20 min | In Production | Brazil
A group of homeless individuals from the Lagoinha neighborhood in Belo Horizonte gather daily in an abandoned warehouse to rehearse a free adaptation of the play "Prometheus Bound." This work explores the punishment imposed by Zeus on Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and offered it to humanity.
Main Cast
Direction: Matheus Moura
Screenplay: Matheus Moura
Production: Antonio Pedroni & Matheus Moura
Executive Production: Bruno Greco
Production Direction: Antonio Pedroni
Production Coordinator: Vitor Drummond
Assistant Direction: Yasmin Guimarães
Cinematography: Luiza Calagian
Art Direction: Breno Henrique
Sound Direction: Davi Cândido
Editing: Affonso Uchôa
Ursana Filmes
BH nas Telas 2024 - Fund

Assistente de Produção: -
I Assistente de Fotografia: Fernando Schiavon
Gaffer: Fernando Schiavon
Assistente de Arte: -
Contrarregra: -
Maquiagem e Figurino: -
Microfonista: Davi Cândido
Edição de Som e Mixagem: -
Colorização: Luiza Calagian
Motoristas: -
Catering: Silvana Teodorio
Foto Still e BTS: Calebe Oliveira